Thesis Statement

Scope VR Headset:

Through the utilization of virtual reality headset, my goal is to provide a virtual environment for users to view sports games from their homes. Main objective of this project is to resolve inaccessibility and further advance the virtual reality utilization through a fresh consumer electronic product.

The final presentation is a commutative coalescence of multi software and platform use to demonstrate the product and its functionality. I have done so by creating a company called Scope, which sells a VR headset, and services to let its viewers watch 360 degree live sports games. The service further offers option to change viewing seats and experience previously recorded games.

Scope is target towards the 163 million people who would rather watch sports at home than in person. We are years away from a company like scope to reimagine the meaning of live sports. I hope to show a glimpse of that through my capstone.


Breathable fabrics and injection foam moulding allow Scope headset to feel light and comfortable. The soft adjustable straps hold the headset gently and securely in place.


Scope headset will be available for $30 . This cost is much lower than most headset in the market. This is because the headset does not require a computer to run. The reusability of the headset for each game insures an overall cost decline when compared to buying season tickets.


The headset can run with any smart phone with a 4.5 inch plus screen. Since, the phone is using a 360 degree video, any 360 degree camera can be used to display games.

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