Cameron Scheele

Cameron Scheele

Complete Health

I am a content creator

Thesis Statement

Critical Communication

It is important to continuously question how I, as a designer, can implement designing thinking in everyday situations to enhance the exchange of information. Successful communication between patient and doctor is critical in any medical situation. My potential solution includes thoughtfully designed interfaces that can be implemented into verbal exchanges during doctor visits (a time when the patient is under stress) creating less of a reliance on memory and high literacy. The patient is then able to have more control and constant access to their necessary medical information for later review.

This work lands close to home for me. My family has a genetic disorder in which blood vessels develop improperly and are prone to bleeding, especially from the nose.  This can pose potentially serious health problems if not regularly monitored. Throughout my life we have spent much time in healthcare situations where communicating with various doctors is crucial to our care. Due to the rarity of our genetic disease, it is often up to us to explain the ways in which our disease manifests itself in our bodies and the problems we are having at any given time.

Research Thesis »


University of Nebraska Online
Design Intern
Design graphics for social media, email, and web. Create secondary branding for marketing campaigns. Follow a set internal brand. Lead creative animation and motion graphic projects.


Nebraska American Advertising Awards (Addys) 2019 - 2 Silver Student Awards-
AIGA Nebraska Show 2017 - Bronze Award Recipient-
Susan Thompson Buffett Scholar-