Andrew Burke-O’Kane
I’m a creative go-getter.
Thesis Statement
US is a character development project aimed at making relatable LGBTQ+ characters without relying on stereotypes that are often used in media. Joey is a non-binary person living with their roommate Karisa, and their dog, Barney. The story tries to convince the viewer that Joey and Karisa are in a romantic relationship, throughout the entirety of the story, until the end. These characters went through a variety of stages from a couple sketches in procreate to 3D models made in Cinema 4D.
Character Development

Character Process
Below is a look into the process that lead to me to developing the characters.
early stages of Joey’s development
early stages of Karisa’s development
Story Development
This project is only the beginning part to a larger 3D animation. Below are the current storyboard pages, and a look into 3D scene making.
Andrew Burke-O’Kane
Jacht Agency
Jacht is a student-run advertising agency, stationed in Lincoln, Nebraska. I work on Jacht’s internal branding and recruitment. For recuritment, I was tasked with collaborating with a team of 8 members to create a poster and post card that would encouarge people to apply to the agency, and expand our team. The graphics that I created using Cinema 4D, helped Jacht increase its application pool, from 71 people to 94 people.
UNL AAHD Digital Lab
As a digital lab assistant, I am tasked with managing large format printers, making sure documents are print ready, and checking in and out an inventory of different technological devices. I would advise students on different paper types, and help them decide which would be the best type of paper they should use to have the best results for thier project.
UNL FYE&TP Offices / Career Services
The FYE&TP Offices on the University of Nebraska -Lincoln campus, help work with first year students to get them on the right track to a 4 year graduation. I collaborated with a team of 7 people that worked in two different offices, to create a sticker that emphasized the learning method of “Experiement, Fail, Learn, Repeat.”
UNL FYE&TP Offices
Peer Mentor
The First Husker Program, is a program that helps first-generation college students get accumulated to a college setting, and helps give them a sturdy group of people and advisors that help give them a path to a successful 4 year graduation. I was a peer mentor for a group of college freshmen participating in the program. I had to keep track of approximately 12-26 of these freshmen and maintain a strict schedule, while still keeping my group engaged. The program intially has a 4 day event the week before college classes start, and then a once-a-week class that helps teach skills like note taking, and time-mangement. I co-advised and taught these classes.