Sarah Trevizo
“Myth are not stories that are untrue, rather they are tales that do not fit neatly into the historical record that serve as a foundation to a culture.”
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In crafting Mythos, I tied my ceramic work into a larger narrative I have been building. Based around my personal research in the mythology and history of the cultures of human civilization, I have over years created a fictional culture which serves as the setting from which I devise my art. Mythos calls reference to that setting and explores this created culture through the iconography and symbolic representation in domestic objects from this fictional society.
Mythos focuses on one icon of a larger pantheon with a small house shrine dedicated to a deity of art and inspiration in representation of a bird. An assortment of domestic objects around the piece explore the culture both in association to this deity as well of the general society. An arrangement of tools associated with art bearing the imagery of birds or their representation, vessels ornamented to a societal standard, and items of nature alluding to a more fantastical world. Objects are scattered among soft candlelight which illuminate and cast shadows among the objects, bringing together a scene as if pulled straight from a home in this unknown civilization. All together the collection of ceramic pieces invites the viewer to contemplate and explore a cultural iconography through its domestic objects.